
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Quilter's Investment / The Value of Our Sewing Haven !

I missed the link as I perused the blogworld today... But an article talked about the replacement value of my sewing machine (s) that's (plural) in the event of a flood, fire, tornado, theft, etc....  I happened to have paid a pretty penny for the custom-deluxe (but what was the name brand) sewing machine cabinet.  Even my iron is top notch @ $75.00.  The thread treasury is sizeable and valuble?  I'm about to get dizzy....

Would you and I be able to describe the contents of our sewing room by recall?  Although fabric is purchased a little at a time (on sale if possible) as it goes into collection over time...What would we emotionally value or realistically account for the cash replacement value of our FABRIC STASH?

Our digitized, German-made machines ($5000++ hoops) along with the absolutely gorgeous little Singer Featherweight... would they be covered adequately under our homeowners insurance... or is additional coverage needed?

And then, consider the jewels... the completed quilts that adorn our walls, and 4-5 rooms in the house.  Some of the beds are double and triple layered with quilts in the guest room....

What's a soul to do?   WORRY ONCE... then document, find serial numbers and PHOTOGRAPH all else for the insurance company!!!  Pictures are proof of what is actually owned behind those closed closet doors.  Put the info in a safety deposit box with other valuables.
One World One Heart is a worldwide event for us ~ ~ bloggers only. It gives all of us who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world. In the past 4 years this event has grown to over 1,000 participants with lasting friendships !

JOIN me.... it will be as much fun as a GIGANTIC open house or garage sale.... allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home........going from blog to blog(in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus -- BQuiltin Studio  -- and each blogger participant will offer up a "door prize or prizes"....just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world. 

In just a few weeks.... I'm looking forward to it.... you and I will be chatting and become friends....  Love and Blessings!

Scrap fabric

Yep... when I think ONE DAY   I'll scrap this out in a quilted item or even a backing...... NADA... just not yet.....

How and how.... and who and who....  hmmnnnn   I have an idea.... its a secret..  !!!!!......?????

Cleaning, Reorganizing.... getting a feel for the new room!

A few months ago, I swapped rooms with my grandkids and my sewing room.... and I've not been able to SIGHT... and SEE.... thus a little inspiration to sew....  The old home-econ teacher and typing -piano order syndrome has me - still!

So, I remove a chair that was just stacking up stuff....  I thought I'd sit and relax and read a magazine.   I replace it with a spankin cherrywood  5-level bookcase....!!!  I worked my I-phone with photo's.....

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy to do... create this . . . Gele

Number 9 UFO 2011 is a wonderful creation to be made.....    this will be great....


Number 10 UFO will also be a joy to my heart.... and will be a part of the OKC Winter Quilt Show.... hopefully... if not just a quilt top for show and tell....  along with a generational theme...

This actual jpg is dated 12--2-2005: as it was exhibited in the 2006 OKC Winter Quilt Show... no ribbons... but my entry as has been done every year.    This UNDERGROUND RAILROAD QUILT  was given to an Ohio girlfriend... So cleverly about 2 years ago, I redrafted Eleanor Burns couple of blocks using African Print theme fabric.... and wah-lah..... anew!

Number 11  is very old hat... to YOU, my fellow bloggers.... You may not know the whole story, but back in 2001 or so, my company sent me to Wyoming... and I discovered the children of the world in all colors.... But I'm so drawn to these being my little black girls.

Now that I've broken the basic block outline... and set the on point/ twice over / I was using a garage sale PINK FABRIC... ran out of it... I used a once popular Cure for Cancer theme background.... GORGEOUS !!!

Boy, I'm running with guilt pains... UFO 2010

but it's a go-ahead....

This has been finished and unmailed.... for another little Lady Bug Girl in Florida!  

Number (8) UFO....
The thing to do includes getting the address from my brother, getting a few bucks on payday for shipping, a car to drop by postoffice....       yep, yep,yep!

This One is Heavy on my Heart and Hands

But all-the-more a real Jewel... a joy to be shared.   Young lady lost her grandfather last year, and I volunteered and she sent me this sweater to be turned into a quilted pillow or quilt item.....

UFO Number 7  is really three things altogether....     a beautiful sweatshirt....

I, too, am please to end the year... and fast forward ten years....

It's really with sheer delight and thanks to God that ten good years have passed.   I'm now looking forward to using my SOCIAL SECURITY CALENDAR which says I'll be 58 years old or young.. or whatever in January 2011!

Thanks to all of you - wonderful women who have peeked into my world of blogging... I've enjoyed it and will set new goals.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

UFO Project... to be done in 2011!

This is the beginning of my newest venture with web-quiltin friends.   JOIN ME IF U LIKE!

I'm making a list.. and checking in twelve times....  Starting with this one above!!!!

(l)      African Beauty:  12 inch finished - paper pieced PINEAPPLE setting for African Women!
(2)     Tree of Life :  a lonely big block abt 20 inches that needs borders to bring it to life!

(3)         African Print Squares:   Quickly to be finished from a start of January 2010!
(4)     Verbal Freedom Quilt:  another quick finished to be shipped to Philadelphia for exhibit.  The Harder part is to update my bio, and complete an artist statement by February2011  It needs a binding and a Photographers shoot also!

(5)  A Giraffe Quilt for my Sister.   Started just this November, missed Christmas, but this will be an immediate payoff via completion!!!  
(6)  My President's Quilt, Mr Obama..... I've been lacking since the 2008 - 2009 election celebrations!  But it's gonna happen.... it's heavy and big as I hung out the finished top this summer.

Break please...... last and hardest six on next post!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

 Christmas is a song.....a feeling that soothes the soul....
 Christmas is not only the birth... but each year is an anniversary celebration!
 Don't knock the commercialism of bows and bells and trees and decorations....  It's happy

 Christmas is love
 Christmas is me at my best... sewing and quilting...

Friday, December 17, 2010

THis is a Stars and Stripe design...

from back in October of 2009 - the picture date that I laid it out on my floor.  It now strikes me that I could do some other designing with this....   Glad I took the photo.... even quicker than I might locate the pattern...

This lil 'quiltie goes to market.... OKC WInter Quilter Show

January 13 - 15, 2011   Cox Convention Center, 1 Myriad Gardens
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-9219      Phone: (405) 602-8500   Parking $6
Admission $8 with coupon $7
Vendor Mall Hours 10 AM - 5 PM Daily:    For more information -- click the link
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-9219      Phone: (405) 602-8500   Parking $6
Admission $8 with coupon $7
Vendor Mall Hours 10 AM - 5 PM Daily:    For more information -- click the link
Beverly J. (Huggins) Kirk
OKC Community Quilt Guild
1236 N.W. 36th Street
Oklahoma City, OK   73118

Our guild meets at the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma which is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of N.W. 36th Street and N. Classen Boulevard. Our Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month @ 2:00pm.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quilt Book Collector

I just noticed that I - too -- am addicted to Quilt Books and magazines!  This is really where I feel my comfort zone... in my fabric stash  just being visible and semi-organized.... then the shelves and shelves of books and magazines... ordered by name and year.

They Told Us: Lymphoma 8-31-2009

They Told Us:  Lymphoma 8-31-2009

Zippers How-to
