
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Stalks of Flax as in Quiltin!

What is it?  It’s a Quilt ….a gift of function and beauty… of hands and heart—-and our quilts indeed have a story to tell!     A Scissor Tale!

The truest foundation of our quilts consist of the woman/man holding needle, threads and scissors…using our skills-creativity-imagination -our joys and hurts—— we make do. And we thrive all-the-more!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Easy -Iron of Scraps and UFO’s

 It’s been 7-8 days of pull out / review of fabric scraps ….  And unfinished-half complete quilt projects!!!

so scrappy and varied whites and cotton sewing!!

You know paper piecing is my mindless GO-TO FAVORITE THING TO DO!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Bquiltin 2020 ‘Road 2 California

 My wonderful  iPhone featured // shared Ontario CA photo dated January 2020!  Seems soooo long ago B4 Covid-19!

My St Petersburg WCQN quilter (new friend) actually created this BLACK MAN quilt that I so admired!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Show up -Relax -and Sew


                            I intend to appliqué my cuzin’s names on left lower border fabric

Life is good

                      This velvety Royal purple…. My cousin sent a box of ‘em to me to make him a quilt

                Crown Royal Quilt - Majestic 
Relax’n my feet
Remembering a good man!
The Paseo Districe OKC,,,,,, so pleasing to see and feel fall 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Longarm—Not for XMAS

 Geesch.  I had the nerve for Thanksgiving Gift to my cousin…….   But m’Lady Long Arm

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A Legacy Quilt Poem

Legacy of Stitches

Sandra E. Andersen 2001-2008

A Legacy of Stitches is what we leave behind;
the imprint of our very soul that lasts beyond our time.

The heart that quilts knows, oh, so well the peace that can be found,
as needle meets with fabric, for there is no sweeter sound.

Whether quiet piecing done by hand or on our sewing machine,
there’s rhythm to our stitches as we sew along each seam.

Those stitches tell the story of our lives as they unfold
as we think of quilts that Grandma made with stories left untold.

The humdrum of our daily lives grows elegant and grand,
when we start to cut the pieces, then stitch the fabric in our hands.

And whatever is the reason for the quilts we piece and sew,
and whoever is the maker, there is one thing that we know.

Each quilt is full of memories, and is a treasured thing.
If quilts could talk, imagine how some quilts would surely sing!

For some quilts are sewn in happy times and others when we’re sad,
and some are sewn in laughter and others when we’re mad.

Some are sewn to warm us, and some sewn just for fun,
and some are “works in progress” that never quite get done!

Some quilts are sewn for beauty, a quilt made just for “show”,
but the heart of the true quilter is the one who really knows~

That no matter how the quilt is stitched, we leave our mark in time.
This Legacy of Stitches is what we leave behind.

Eye Read ~ Literacy Advocate

Exhibition on Display Through Oct. 31
@ The Art Hall, 519 NW 23rd St., Oklahoma City
& via Online Gallery

Just excited to tell and say thanks to everyone who visited the Artists for Literacy Opening Reception! If you haven't already, be sure to visit The Art Hall or our Online Gallery to view the exhibition of 60 original works by Oklahoma artists that creatively portray the spirit of literacy.

I received an HONORABLE MENTION AWARD :  my quilted art piece entitled EYE READ!

Click on the links for more info   I’m thankful!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Inherit my Quilt

 For my chillun— my hope😮😮😮

I’ve been obsessed with making the gorgeous-exquisite-yet simple 3block …..Quilt in a Day (Eleanor Burns)


DRESSED TO THE NINES!!! Quilt along!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Triangles in a square. Ah-Haaa

 I quilt-a-long with BLACK GIRLS QUILT AND CREATE past fun years!   A classic Eleanor Burn quilt item has captured the heart of US THREE quilt friends!  

So-since I’m scrappy. (Refusing) to buy more fabric….  Here’s a super stash gifted to me (wow)

I’m addicted 

Now being called Dressed to the Nines.   First daunting—but super simple!!  Scrappy nine patches, triangles, and ‘triangles in a square!  Unfinished 6.5” blocks plus a border!

Yes— gifted from a guy/husband to his deceased QUILT  WIFE —. So precious!

2.5” strips galore

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Unflappable UGRR

 Not the original Eleanor Burns 1990’s outfit.    Honoring Harriet Tubmans life story 2022

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Eye Read ~ I Achieve


Art Hall in OKC Exhibit

Hello good quilt friends!!!!!

In a niche very close to our familiar EAST OKC….. I slipped into a different venue!   Mary Sturberg - the organizer and I were excited!  

Artists for Literacy Opening

September 29, 2022 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Art Hall

519 NW 23rd St. Oklahoma City 73103


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The OKC Metro Literacy Coalition provides drinks and hors d’oeuvres at the Artists for Literacy Opening Reception, along with a neat Urban Tea Shop….. A diverse of quote ARTISTS—- I was one of this group—original works by Oklahoma artists that creatively portray the spirit of literacy. 


Musical entertainment by Wood Willow Tickets: $30 per person PURCHASE TICKETS     Find more information and sponsorship opportunities at

Monday, September 19, 2022





Unassigned Lands in Oklahoma 

Quiltin Words & Workings


May you find creative work

That nourishes your spirit with joy

.....and fills your pocketbook with green. 

(I.D. Garuda)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Black Pioneers Exhibition 2022

 It’s time to share -to show n tell -my St Petersburg FL most-exciting EVER museum adventure!!!

September 9-11. 2022:  Friday was the opening weekend of Black Pioneers: Legacy in the American West at the James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art.

This was my first museum sighting ….   And a first meeting of a new play-sister named Brenda (dressed in pink jacket)!

Brenda was with her (84+++???) sister whose quilt was being exhibited—-Ms Harriet Merriweather!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

From Dakar Comes Sotiba Fabric Panel

So often, I fold and gently refold my most colorful, precious fabric pieces.   Im entering the phase of "What Am I Saving This For?" in my life.  

And Im wanting to enter more original pieces in National Quilt Contests.  This is a 18" x 24" panel.  I'm sewing a two inch border to the right and bottom sides (no cutting) and I noted the unusual wording.   A quick search led me to Etsy and etc.   If I believe what I read..... this is a treasure.  I don't remember how I came into possession..... just having an eye for Africa and saving a few dollars!

....dear friends in quiltland....I'll chat more about this fabric panel as it develops!  Yippee


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Year 2022. Covid, Me and First Lady Jill Biden

Yes, we attended a birthday party for a dear 88 year old lady.   About 2-3 days, an itch, a scratch in my throat...... Home test negative.  But oh my.   Visit to ER room and I'm POSITIVE.   

Retired, at home/quaratine ... so I'm fairly cool for 7-10 days.  But the nights are horrendous.   

I have finished a couple of major "CALL TO ENTRIES>>> submission deadline.   More upcoming artist adventures really draw me into that creative closet..... what's gonna burst out of the closet makes me giddy!


Friday, August 12, 2022

Fridays’ Quiltin Quote


Whatever-else could life and QUILTIN’ be about?   Positive Outlooks!!!!  

What Quilt Rejection…looks like

Login….. A long list…. My name does not appear…???

Dear Judges:

Why not?

They Told Us: Lymphoma 8-31-2009

They Told Us:  Lymphoma 8-31-2009

Zippers How-to
