I’m reading… and I Found A New word …befitting me as a quilt artisan!
noun. . . . . . . Inspired Quilt Artistry ~ Quilter, Quilt Historian, Designer and Long-Arm Quilter
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025
I Feel the Quilt Story In Me
Some late pm’s… I just have to cut and piece together one of my To-do wish list!
Well my intensity in learning this curvy log cabin! I’m NOT buying a pattern-pdf-nada! This was hung in a quilt show… and boy oh boy—- I studied it’’’’’ I took close pictures to count the rows, placement and center block—looked around online…
I love me!!!!!
Wha’ do ya think…. First four for the center. Oddly… it’s a traditional quilt!
Mind you—-I have a “hankering” to go deep into African prints—into faces—and protest messages via hope n survival….
But right now it’s structure and precision—-JUST HOLD STEADY GIRLFRIEND. QUILT ON!!!
Friday, January 31, 2025
Quiltin' the Bible Road to Ecclestiastes 3:7
I'm an old girl, yet applying Scripture to every part of my life. I often cut and paste "Good Thoughts" and this is a reminder of what was said by some good writer years ago.
In the Old Testament, the writer states in Ecclestiastes 3:7 that there is “ a time to tear apart and a time to sew together…..a time to be silent and a time to speak”.
Making a quilt is indeed a combination of tearing apart and piecing fabric back together. We use and re-use fabric so that nothing is really wasted or forgotten in the back of our closet. That old dress or pair of jeans is cut-away at the seams and we add new textures, buttons or lace so as to re-fashion it. So it is, the old remains familiar and yet brand new.
In this way, my quilted objects let me embrace the memory of yesterday - the kids, my mom, my father-in-law, my veteran.... A time and a season for everything...
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Oklahoma's New York Gorgeous Quiltin'
CURVED ARCs via paper piecing perfect points!
This wonderful group that I quilt with two days a week for several hours..... Well it was my birthday.... and they gloriously CROWNED me.... as their QUEEN QUILTIN B
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Why We Luv To Quilt
I often ask myself “What is it that I really, really love about the process of making a quilt?
The making of a quilt is a way to straighten out the ragged edges in my life. I can't wait to awake and start again.... piecing. Peace. It's the combination of taking apart yardages of fabric and putting this into MY WAY of handling life.... forming a new thing. A thing can be tumultuous and look mixed up but it is now organized and squared-up. It may be humorous and silly. But the formation of a new thing and the quilted feel and colors sink deep into my soul! Now... it probably time to cook, clean, teach, hug and talk, read and write...... I sleep well. I look forward to another day of quiltin.....
Bquiltin' in my Studio.
Quilters around the globe..... now it's your turn. Wake up, Quilt a square, take a stitch of yard, or paint with your brush, or play you piano...... Sleep well. REPEAT
Monday, January 20, 2025
MLK Day 2025 for Organizing
I spent some (a lot) of really productive time on detail and dates of upcoming quilt projects… exhibits and UFO projects today
Even-my heart felt Bio … CV … photos and the works!!
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Bits and Peace
I have lots of HST’s. And I bet you do too!
So this is in my future. I notice that I’m NOT buying patterns… I’m improvising on what I SEE….
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
Bass Reeves ~ Forever the Oklahoma Legend !
When I say LEGENDARY..... I mean just that. My dad always looked back to remember his roots..... LEST WE FORGET. I took that to mean... keeping the story alive.
So, although Bass Reeves was an Arkansas native, he superbly served justice throughout Indian Territory (the land prior to Oklahoma Statehood 1907) .... as one of the first Black lawmen west of the Mississippi River. Again, he was a respected lawmen standing 6’2″ and weighing about 180 pounds who could shoot a pistol or rifle accurately with his right or left hand and could whip any two men with his bare hands. Reeves became a legend during his lifetime for his ability to catch criminals under trying circumstances. He brought fugitives by the dozen into the Fort Smith federal jail.
I share the portrait quilt I sewed and built into a collage story of Bass and his dear wife Jenny.
They Told Us: Lymphoma 8-31-2009