
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Off the Back Burner -Achieved

 Low-and-Behold.   I did it…using my 3-yr old fabric from local Hobby Lobby named: hmmmnnnn 2018 Brother Sister Design Studio!

Isn’t she lovely… singing Stevie WonderπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Well dear Quilty Friends !!!

I knew my motivation was to cover a couple of $1 dollar wooden…and a $4 dollar lightweight swivel chair !

Don’t I feel happy in my sewing room

Friday, June 28, 2024

Anticipating 2025 Quilt Day

 Who, Why and When is NATIONAL QUILTING DAY?

Quilted by: J. brown (STQG Member)

Who:  The National Quilting Association started National Quilting Day in 1991 and since then it has grown into a global celebration for all quilt lovers and makers.

Why: National Quilting Day recognizes quiltmakers and their quilt-making abilities.

When: Quilting is celebrated on the third Saturday in March every year. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Proverbs 31:31

 My enjoyment of crafting, creating and ‘Quiltin’ pushes me to care of my health, care for my flower garden, to read, to love deeply my family and friends.  

Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.(Proverbs 31:31)

My Sister’s Birthday Quilt

I sewed friendship stars today

I took up my daddy’s silk ties after his passing in 1997 and I cried and tried to make a full-size compass block quilt far  beyond my know how. Thus, I created my first quilted pillow set made with his silk ties!  Although I loved basic Home Economics in High School, courting, working, marrying and three kids took first place in my young years!  When I needed to heal my heart, I found that I could take the bits of brokenness (pieces of fabric) and with forethought, solitude and precision — I could create a thing of beauty!  Over the years, I experienced more life-advancing events.  I’ve aged gracefully and I’ve added a good many quilts to my life story.  I am so proud of the ways in which I have bee able to sort through and express my social and political views into statements into my quilted art.

At this my Sister’s absence from this good earth —- I don’t contemplate why or what…. Just that I do!

I quilt

I quilt furiously 

I quilt daily

I plant-God re-seeds my front and backyard each year….  

I’m hurt

I’m at peace

I’m piecing my latter years


I’m well


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Who is Bquiltin ?

I love quilting, fabric and my backyard haven! I have been quilting for more than 20 years and it’s been a blast!  

I have plan to  author two books-by C&T publishing. I live in Oklahoma City where the weather is seldom perfect…. Always changing πŸ‘. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Juneteenth Quilt Show

 Before 4pm closing on tomorrow——JOURNEY INTO OUR JOY 

Juneteenth Quilt Exhibit

2500 NE 63rd

Oklahoma City 

Your sneaky little look at a few of over 70 quilts… the Crown Jewels of the Scissor Tales Quilt Guild.

Old News is GOOD Quiltin News

High Craft” is curated by Inclusion In Art, a nonprofit organization promoting racial and cultural diversity in Oklahoma’s visual arts community.

December 2023

An art exhibit at Oklahoma City University will feature -- in the words of a communications staff press release -- the work of five local "artists of color" working in diverse media including quilts, weavings, embroidery and rhinestone mosaics on exhibit from Oct. 30 to Dec. 15.

An opening reception is set for 5-7 p.m. Nov. 2 and an artists’ talk from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on November 16 in OCU’s Norick Art Center.

High Craft” is curated by Inclusion In Art, a nonprofit organization promoting racial and cultural diversity in Oklahoma’s visual arts community.

“High Craft” refers to works done where the imagination and the hand of the maker are evident, and it seeks to represent the global diversity of craft through artists Maria Anderson, Beverly Kirk, Lawrence Naff, Ann Solinski and Amy Young.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Arm (Long) and Dangerously Cute

 What’s under my big needle today?   Oh the humming… no broken or jammed threads… oh. BE YE THANKFUL… in all things

This Coronet Baby Lock may be discontinued… but my $7000 interest free investment of maybe…. 2015-16…. Oh my goodness!!!!

Pre-Show Sneak Preview — my dear friends

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

 Happy Sunday Sewists!!!

Retirement is leisurely quilting although I have deadlines!!!

I’m glad you’ve followed BQ Studio blog all year!  I’m piecing the rest of my year together… and excitedly so!  I’ve redesigned into a smaller quilting room!  Very workable!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

DISCOVERY: New Quild Friends in my City

 Little did I know back in September 2022 that my dream of setting up a GUILD....   The Scissor Tales Quilt Guild in the NE quadrant of Oklahoma City, Ok.........  I'm meeting a great group of lady-friends! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pillow Cover Swap

 I may get kicked out…..I’m eight days late

But lovely    The small HST worked my nerves.  But isn’t she lovely 

They Told Us: Lymphoma 8-31-2009

They Told Us:  Lymphoma 8-31-2009

Zippers How-to
