. . . . . . . Inspired Quilt Artistry ~ Quilter, Quilt Historian, Designer and Long-Arm Quilter
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Africa West 2011 Festival
Africa West African American Culture Festival TravelOK.com - Oklahoma's Official Travel & Tourism Site
And... yippee, yes indeed..... I am hosting a quilt exhibit at this epic event June 10th - June 11th 2011
And... yippee, yes indeed..... I am hosting a quilt exhibit at this epic event June 10th - June 11th 2011
Wednesday's Quilt Tip
What's your set-up or carry along for hand quilting projects?
Here's what I've found to be useful (and cute -- of course) Mini-Tin Can Sewing Basket
Here's what I've found to be useful (and cute -- of course) Mini-Tin Can Sewing Basket
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Today is Pincushion Hand Quilting Day
Just the right size and shape for my little sewing tin....
Because I like several ready sets of thread about 24 inchs in length for the 7" cathedral window square I'm back to hand stitching...I made the easy square shaped pin cushion.... the Little band on top holds the needles well above the line.... I've had some mystery needles hidden inside of my cushion.... and I've had a surprise tingling of that special stick waiting for me whenever I'd squeeze pickup of my cushion!!!!
Sleeping Under my own quilts...
Well, the spring weather is here... so it's out with the heavy comforter quilts... and on to my very own creations....
Long Cabin Quilt
My Thread Collection
This is a caddy that I purchased at a garage sale, proudly hung it on my wall....
There are days and hours I can peacefully spend arranging and fixin'stuff in my little haven!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Kay Harmon on her blogspot.... noted Quilting as theraputic.
I stood beside the gravesite of my Freshman college girlfriend last Saturday.......
Here's what I know about live.... God is good... and a hobby such as quilting is good medicine..... a sanity keeper.. a quiet spiritual place to create from within!
Check out Kay's site.....Here is a part of her quote about Dr William Dunton, a psychiatrist, began collecting Baltimore Album quilts in the 1920s. He became so interested in them that he self published a book of album quilts in 1946. Only 2000 copies were printed so finding one in any condition is rare. Here is what else Kay had to say......."Dr Dunton alludes to quiltmaking as a therapeutic occupation. He says "In making a quilt top the worker has the stimulation of color and she also has to concentrate upon her task of sewing the pieces together...." He goes on to say "It is easily understood that a nervous lady who is concentrating on making a quilt block has no time to worry over her fancied physical ill health or even worse over wrongs or slights which may be real, so she is cultivating a more healthy mental attitude and habit."
I stood beside the gravesite of my Freshman college girlfriend last Saturday.......
Here's what I know about live.... God is good... and a hobby such as quilting is good medicine..... a sanity keeper.. a quiet spiritual place to create from within!
Check out Kay's site.....Here is a part of her quote about Dr William Dunton, a psychiatrist, began collecting Baltimore Album quilts in the 1920s. He became so interested in them that he self published a book of album quilts in 1946. Only 2000 copies were printed so finding one in any condition is rare. Here is what else Kay had to say......."Dr Dunton alludes to quiltmaking as a therapeutic occupation. He says "In making a quilt top the worker has the stimulation of color and she also has to concentrate upon her task of sewing the pieces together...." He goes on to say "It is easily understood that a nervous lady who is concentrating on making a quilt block has no time to worry over her fancied physical ill health or even worse over wrongs or slights which may be real, so she is cultivating a more healthy mental attitude and habit."
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Antique and Junk Shop... Shopping
Hello fellow blogger! During the Lunch hour.... I had the Jeep...It's Thursday..... so I filled my eyes and soul with all sorts of things from the past........
Here's the $18.50 that I purchased.... My first Boy---doll --- a cotton-pickin pick-a-ninney just barely 3-4 inches tall.... with a cotton sack to boot! I have a little black girl that I'm thinkin he'll fit perfectly next to! He's following in after Ms Sunbonnet Sue in red!
Here's the $18.50 that I purchased.... My first Boy---doll --- a cotton-pickin pick-a-ninney just barely 3-4 inches tall.... with a cotton sack to boot! I have a little black girl that I'm thinkin he'll fit perfectly next to! He's following in after Ms Sunbonnet Sue in red!
A really cute sign... "OLD QUILTS" and take note of the unusual...
little antique pin cushion next to Sue.... and I think I'll name my boy .. Randy!!!
Mindfully Mindful during the Month of May
My dear lady friend whispered to me last night.... I cut that hydrangea for you and set it in a pot.... it's up to you to come by and pick it up......
I'm truly blessed with the beauty of living life to the fullest..... thus I am Mindfully Mindful....during this month of May 2011.
I'm truly blessed with the beauty of living life to the fullest..... thus I am Mindfully Mindful....during this month of May 2011.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sewing Women in the Bible
..........hmnnn I know that Lydia was an enterprising sister in Acts 16: 9-15 who figured out how to whip up dazzling purple dyed fabrics to sell to the wealthy patrons of her day.
I want to share some pretty outstanding pics....a black woman balancing a sewing machine on her head is WOW.... don't try this at home... Beverly!!
and talk about fabric on the brain..........a woman balancing a stack of fabric on her head!
These were printed in a book by Kaye England....African inspired quilts: Quilt Inspirations from Africa: A Caravan of Ideas, Patters, Motifs, and Techniques by Kaye England and Mary Elizabeth Johnson.
and talk about fabric on the brain..........a woman balancing a stack of fabric on her head!
These were printed in a book by Kaye England....African inspired quilts: Quilt Inspirations from Africa: A Caravan of Ideas, Patters, Motifs, and Techniques by Kaye England and Mary Elizabeth Johnson.
Where oh Where.... why oh why
Why am I suddenly obsessed with craft-creative ideas??? Maybe because I know I have two quilt shows coming up in June 2011!!
Ideas and Inspirations have been flowing....
So -- when a co-worker is going to retire on May 20th... I picked up this pattern of a Quilt Diva! With about a week to make it into a wall hanging! We intend to decorate her reception room with ALL SEWING.... SEW long, SEW excited, SEW you'll be leaving.... etc.
I modified the face and body into a really cool golden, glittering black woman with letters and quilty stuff all around.
It takes a little effort to fussy cut and iron/glue with stitch-witchery.... Plus the next step is to zig-zag stitch. Then still to border and batting and quilt the rather large item.... Could almost become a coverlet... not recommending washing.... but I think Faye will love it.
Truth is................. I really want to keep it long enough for more show and tell, plus to keep my inspiration up and make a second just for fun!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I love the peace the this picture just pulls and tugs from the heart!!! From blog:of Susan E. McConnell. Please visit her site....
More to Click and Learn....
Felt Food Patterns & Tutorials Links (Most are FREE... for my girl Anayah Marie!) Check the Link.... hanging on by a needle and thread..... SUSAN..... thanks for the inspiration!!!
Hexies . . . a fun process and totally portable
Here are a couple of steps from a couple of other websites....Here is the wording from Lori Holt.... (ps thanking her in advance..... stop by and visit her at ....
When finished with corners.....
I CAREFULLY remove my paper clip by sliding it off on a diagonal so that I don't pull my fabric off of the paper.
I like to use my trusty iron and PRESS my hexagon on the right side to make a crease on the edges. I DO NOT use steam....as this would shrink it somewhat.
At this point...I either leave my paper in if I am stitching my hexie into a flower....or I remove the paper now if I am going to applique the hexagon onto fabric.
At this point...I either leave my paper in if I am stitching my hexie into a flower....or I remove the paper now if I am going to applique the hexagon onto fabric.
I separate my hexies into sixes (you need 6 for the petals in a small flower)...and put them in snack size zip-lock baggies.
I put them all in a plastic container to stay organized.
Hexagons and Grandmother's Flower Garden
English Paper piecing is a time-honored technique dating back to at least 1813. It's a wonderfully simple method for constructing intricate quilts with lots of perfectly matched points. Usually a one-patch, most commonly using hexagons, it might also be done using triangles, diamonds, squares or a combination. It's completely done by hand and can be assembled in modular units so you can take it with you wherever you go, and make use of those idle moments.
One Flower Wednesday ~ Joining the Garden Party
WOW weeeee.... !!! I wanna do this!
Join the Garden Party
Our goal is to make at least one hexagon flower every Wednesday and watch our gardens grow. For more information or to join, please click here.
Karen's Flower Garden Journey of a quilter
Karen's Flower Garden Journey of a quilter
If you would like to join our little Garden Party, the only requirement is to make at least one hexagon flower every Wednesday and post your progress at least once a month. Posting on a Wednesday would be ideal and make it easier for others to follow your progress. My flowers are completed and I am now in the process of piecing my quilt top together.
You can make your hexagon flowers any size or colour you like and you can even piece them together any way you like, but remember, they must be traditional hexagon flowers! Please do not substitute other forms of hexagons, such as hexagon diamonds as flowers. I would like to keep One Flower Wednesday as it was originally intended. I am English paper piecing mine and would also like to try hand piecing some flowers one day. Of course, this would require me to start another flower garden!
To become a Garden Party Member
Just place the lovely logo Valentina has designed for One Flower Wednesday on your sidebar and don't forget to use the Sign In Sheet on the weeks you are posting.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Cover Brochure ~ President's House Quilt Exhibit
We are a group of quilt artists celebrating the truth about the nation's first President's House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. George and Martha Washington held nine enslaved Africans in the first Presidential mansion in Philadelphia, PA. Very little has been told about these nine individuals . Quilts will interpret the conflict between freedom and slavery in a new democracy ~ June 30, 2011.
Michelle Flamer
Hi Everyone! Many of you have inquired about the opening for the President's House exhibit. As you already know the show will be on exhibit July 1, 2011 through September 5, 2011. TheConstitution Center will host a luncheon on Thursday, June 30, 2011 to celebrate their Washington and our PH show. Quilters are invited to the luncheon at noon-at 2:00 PM there will be media interviews followed (possibly) by a members reception and preview that evening. The next day of course our exhibit opens to the public. On Monday, July 4, 2011, the Park Service and City will officially dedicate the President's House (outdoor) display-President Obama has been invited for this but no word yet whether he has accepted. I realize that Thursday through Monday may not be feasible for out of towners but there is plenty to do in Philadelphia during this week which we call "Welcome America." In addition to the NCC luncheon, the curator of the Blockson collection of slavery artifacts has graciously agreed to a private showing of the collection and Lonni Rossi will open her studio to us as well.
Michelle Flamer
Hi Everyone! Many of you have inquired about the opening for the President's House exhibit. As you already know the show will be on exhibit July 1, 2011 through September 5, 2011. The
Tag, You’re It! Reader Challenge
8 1/2 x 11" Vertical Quilt Entry
Reader Challenges
Tag, You’re It! Reader Challenge
Here’s how to enter:
Quilting Arts Magazine/INTERWEAVE Attn: Tag, You’re It! Reader Challenge 490 Boston Post Road Suite 15 Sudbury, MA 01776 Note: By submitting your reader challenge entry, you are authorizing Interweave Press LLC to publish your project in upcoming publications and promotional materials, on our website, and in other Interweave e-media, as well as to possibly display it at shows. Interweave Press LLC will not be held responsible for loss or damage due to circumstances beyond our control. |
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sewing Sessions with friends...
Although I have to block out some of the skewed, talktative chit chat around the table..... I've enjoyed and benefited from two guild sewing sessions this week.
I'm challenged to start and finish my hand quilting tasks. Here's an applique project finished for a girlfriend... actually its her first quilt...
I'm challenged to start and finish my hand quilting tasks. Here's an applique project finished for a girlfriend... actually its her first quilt...
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