The dreams were real and horrible last night... I was shaking scared.....of an evil child... I know better... I could have slapped some sense into that kid to stop him.... Oh well... too many tv shows. I'm battling a flu/cough bug with OTC drugs plus running short on my diabetes medication. Life is real... waiting for payday.
Nevertheless here is a blog listing I'll keep.
A Bit unusual, but this nice blog --- I think the lady is 79 yrs old and celebrated a wonderful birthday -- so that I just want to keep her link. I didn't see a google follow button.......
The picture really says how I feel.... waiting for God and his bright sunshine to open up!!! I know He will.
Trust God from the bottom of your/my heart, Don't try to figure out everything on your/my own....Listen for God's voice in everything you/I do. . . Everywhere you/I go... He is the one who will keep you/me on track. Proverbs 3:5-6 (from the Message Bible -- a Translation)