
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Tis the Year Ending 2016

Hubby watching WALKING DEAD... Last season episode....  and I have a TRANSFORMATIONAL SEWING ROOM WITH MY LONG ARM QUILTING MACHINE (Baby Lock Coronet)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Re- Put defined

This has to be my midnight word....!!!!   Re-putting..... re-investing..... to put in again!!!

It's the way I love my grandchildren!   And I have three birth children!   and three chosen children! The baby boy has my heart.   His sister was the shining star.... she was and is still my best friend!  And there is the first-born.....   He is ir - replaceable!!!

I've been thinking of my grandmother Martha Bell Smith-Sipuel.   She loved us! 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Long Arm Equals A Baby Lock 4me!

Although my sewing is back to its usual messiness.... with about 5 projects.... in process (I'm happy)

I've been a'pondering and a'lookin at our local BSewin dealer... at their Coronet long arm quilting machine.

remember.... the new quiltin projects I mentioned..... ahhhh ha ...   I discovered for a first time visit to Yukon, Oklahoma.   Even signed up for a BOM....   The ladies were really friendly.   I've had several disappointing visits to quilt shops that felt like a closed society.... anti-friendly... anti-helping a black woman who loves quilting.... 

So... I certainly match kindness when it is genuine!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fall Blooms and Voting My Life Away.....

Tis the countdown season.......   It's election time and a beautiful October Fall Day

This year's Knockout Rose is a bit sparse....   I failed to plant it into FULL SUN!!  But...

Life looks good
and I am thankfu!              

Friday, September 2, 2016

Learning curves and techniques all along this road in life.....whether for fun or serious study
A dear friend of mine R. Hughes is posting her NEW, NEW NEWEST Nursing life.  I knew her when!  

Oh what fun in life

Learning curves and techniques all along this road in life.....whether for fun or serious study
A dear friend of mine R. Hughes is posting her NEW, NEW NEWEST Nursing life.  I knew her when!  

Oh what fun in life

Learning with my BFF

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Lovely Anniversary of Retirement!!!

Alongside my sister's story of her illness and breast removal of one year ago

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Yard and Garden Delights

I haven't found the word to describe my satisfaction.... as I look over this first year of design in my backyard!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tend the Flower Garden and more1

I watered the plants, fretted over too much or too little sun/water/soil nourishment/?/?/?/?

Took a walk around the lake..... beautiful for stiff old bod!!

Searche and found a Salmon recipe. . . . tested out the Oatmeal Cookie Recipe.... YUM

Took medicine on time/schedule.... great diabetes numbers today....

Lovely day... I'd say!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Designer Pillow Case Dresses

A new creative adventure.... I can't stay in the box..... I'm pulling all pretty fabric and scraps and seasonal themes out of the sewing box.....

Sunday, May 1, 2016

'Tis now the MONTH  of  MAY 2016

I am glowing with satisfaction of my front and backyard flower garden in place.  
The satiny, ruffled and as fancy as a party dress, garden peonies (P. lactiflora) are the center of attention.  Thanks  ~ God's nickname is dear Mother Nature.

. . . 


atter when they 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

A bit before all my dream and hard work....

 Closing in on the end product....

Monday, April 18, 2016

Beauty in God's Flowering Season

Lovely evening sunset on the patio.

 Te revival... and surviving of last years Hydrangea.... looking the just the right environment of sun and shade and good watering in a pot.  Praying it will thrive!

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Month of March 2016

Somewhere during the month of March..... there was basketball madness.....  
. . . Then my Senior Citizen Quilt club that meets at our local Ralph Ellison Libary.... began a very creative MYSTERY QUILT...

It really stumped me.... I was trying to read... and think too much... in light and dark color combinations... I didn't like this block  

hmnnn.... I have a great prayer partner.... and we take it to the Lord almost daily.... 
 ..there is the EVERLASTING newscasting of the Election Year  politics.... 
 NOW.....back to the creative spirit of picking fabric combinations..... this is what pulled me into the sewing room once again....

THANKS..... for sharing my posts today....   


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Indian Girl Quilt

Good Morning Oklahoma World & Beyond

Remember My Cousin Theola..... well there is a family heirloom quilt she wants repaired..... of course I always thing of a duplicate!

 You can see the wear and tear...... the yarn hair and ribbon and the trim on the little cape.   They are all girls!!

Here's a pattern I've keep close at hand!  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Happy Stitching Days

What goes with me?  A small goal of completing (shamefully) SIX sets of HEXIES for six great ladies in the Inchy Hexagon Swap.   

A good thing.... I really cannot go start a quilt until I do the catch up.   The right thing..  Hopefully I'll bring a smile.   The Inchy Hexagon facebook page 
**  GO VISIT EM! **  click above ...  or click on my sidebar!

A few "want-to's"    The OKC Quilt show 2016 ... I clicked the beautiful quilting feathered designs on something as simple as flying geese!

"want-to" #2 ...  this reminds me Grandma Lottie's Family heirloom quilt.... this is bridal

And My cousin Theola..... packed around in her trunk... and pulled out one set of unfinished "Dutch Girls".... quite ugly and really not usable...

Might be and "NOT WANT-TO" project......

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy and Blessed

You (and I) have brains in our head .....

Oh the places I AM GOING.... in 2016.... this is just a snapshot of the GYPSY QAL quilt.... orderly chaos

I almost think I could make this out of my scraps and extra blocks ALL OVER MY QUILT ROOM....  just to look at the quilt and create my variation....

They Told Us: Lymphoma 8-31-2009

They Told Us:  Lymphoma 8-31-2009

Zippers How-to
