Sq #6
Jonah cast over board of the ship and swallowed by a fish
Sq #7
God created two of every kind,
male and female
Sq #8
The falling of the stars on Nov. 13, 1833.
My favorite - True Story!!
The varmints rushed out of their beds
Sq #9
Two of every kind
of animal continued
Sq #10
Seven Vials ~ angels of wrath.
beast and 10 horns
( :))) count'em again!!!)
Sq #11
Luvin' It !
Cold Thursday, 10 of February, 1895.
A woman frozen while at prayer.
A woman frozen at a gateway.
A man with a sack of meal frozen.
Icicles formed from the breath of a mule.
All blue birds killed.
A man frozen at his jug of liquor.
Sq #12
Sq #13
Sq #14
Sq #15
Sq #16
This is absolutely beautiful work. I am inspired and intrigued. Thanks for your wonderful blog.